Last year with ORM Designer
It is about one year since we launched ORM Designer 2. Article focusing on how we managed to improve it during that time will come out later. This one is more about important things we achieved as a company. Have a look at what we regard as the biggest milestones of the past twelve months.
## JIC (South Moravian Innovation Centre)
We have started to work with this Czech start-up accelerator. Initially, we came looking for investors, but what we did receive was so much more. JIC connected us. Thanks to our cooperation we have met many great people who are among the best in their field in our country. And they are excited to help us make our company better at what it does. So go JIC.
Angel investor
Our investor Michael Rostock-Poplar brought some additional funding into the ORM Designer team. But not only that, thanks to his extensive network of contacts he is able to recommend us to the people who are much more experienced in creating business solutions in our segment of work than we do and usually, those people gladly share their insight on how to do something with us. And good advice is hard to find.
One of the biggest problems for young people freshly out of school is absence of relevant work experience. And although universities are great for imparting theoretical knowledge, they put less emphasis on practice. Two young men who have decided to improve their coding skills as interns in our company were during the five months they spend here systematically trained in the ways of C++. Our mutual cooperation proved to be beneficial to all parties involved and we are glad we had them on board.
Bigger team, bigger office
Since our team is now almost double the size it was year ago, our current premises started to feel a bit small. And because the shop located right next to us was ending its activities we simply took up its space as well and were finally able to fit in comfortably.
The road ahead of us is still long and every important or interesting thing that happens in our company will sooner or later find its way to this blog. So check it out from time to time.