New promo video and video tutorials
Have you ever wanted to explain to somebody what Skipper is about but couldn’t find the right words? If you did, despair no more. We have created short promo video that provides anyone with very accurate idea about working and usability of Skipper.
You can have a look at it on youtube
But that’s not all. For quite some time we have felt, that our documentation is really awesome place. However it was clearly aimed at providing only visual information. Now it is also audiovisual. We have put together 10 video tutorials that cover every major functionality in Skipper from creating new project to importing project from MySQL Workbench.
You can find the tutorials here, in the thematically matching entry in the documentation and in our new video section on Skipper websites.
Youtube video
Let us know which type of tutorial you like better (plain text or audiovisual) along with your tips on topic you would like to see “filmed” by our crew.