Join us to create ORM Designer user stories
In cooperation with ORM Designer users, we are working on user stories these days. Our team is trying to create documents which would clarify different ways how to use ORM Designer and explain satisfaction with it in-depth. The reason why we make user stories is to obtain feedback and present inspiration for others how ORM Designer can be used.
For the user stories, we need to collect opinions from our users. So, we created a set of questions so you can freely describe your experiences and impressions from using ORM Designer. There are no limitations, you can honestly share anything that is on your mind.
Why to join? Besides that you will really help us understand users’ needs, you can have a promotion of your person or company on our website and our Twitter and participate in the development of ORM Designer with your ideas for new features.
If you want to participate, send me answers for the following questions to [email protected]:
- Why did you start using ORM Designer?
- For which projects do you use ORM Designer?
- What is your common project work flow in ORM Designer?
- How often does your team work with ORM Designer?
- How much work and time does ORM Designer save you?
- What other benefits does ORM Designer bring you?
- Is there anything else you appreciate about ORM Designer? (support, regular updates etc.)
- Why would/wouldn’t you extend your ORM Designer maintenance?
- What shall we improve in ORM Designer?
- Do you have some more comments or ideas for us?