Documentation is ready
As we promised in some previous blog-post, this week we finished the last article and now we are proud to announce you that our new documentation is ready! We were preparing it for so long and now it is time to show it to you.
34 new articles
Visit our new documentation site and enjoy 34 new articles which will lead you from the very basics of the application up to the advanced ORM Designer functions and features. Reveal how to simply and quickly navigate through the model, speed up your work with keyboard shortcuts or use all benefits of sharing modules.
And there is so much more. You will learn how to be more effective with ORM Designer and get the answers to general questions regarding the product.
Nicely structured texts with images
We did our best to make the whole documentation nice and clear. For your better orientation the articles are thematically sortedinto four groups and the search function was added. Documentation contains many pictures and schemas for your fast and clear understanding. We also used different font styles to differentiate between the most important points, application commands and code fragments to allow you to read through the text quickly and simply.
Give us your feedback
Our whole team did the best, so we hope you will like the documentation as we do. Still we will be grateful for your feedbackand ideas, how to make it even better. Give us your suggestions or just say hello below this blog-post or send an email to [email protected]. We will be looking forward to all your comments and ideas.