Written about us
Thanks to the program of South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC) and entering of Michael Rostock as our investor we have started to receive medial attention. If you are interested, and understand Czech, here are a few of them.
- http://byznys.ihned.cz/c1-60215550-mladi-programatori-z-brna-zdrazili-svuj-software-trojnasobne-prodeje-zustaly-stejne
- http://startup.lupa.cz/clanky/michael-rostock-poplar-investuje-do-startupu-orm-designer/
- http://www.tyinternety.cz/2013/08/06/clanek/rostock-poplar-investuje-do-brnenskeho-startupu-orm-designer/
We know, most of you aren’t Czech readers, so here is little something in English.
Being noticed on the local scene is nice, but we would like the world to be our theater. This publicity means a lot for us. So thanks to all authors for writing. And thank you, for reading.