ORM Designer raises funding from angel investor
As stated in the previous blog post, in spring 2013 we applied for Innovation Park program running by South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC) in order to connect to specialist from different fields of business and also to raise ORM Designer funding.
As well as we have been accepted to the program as one of the most promising project, we have also succeed in investor searching. After a short time in the program, in Czech Republic very well-known investor Michael Rostock-Poplar approached us with an offer that couldn’t be refused.
It was settled that the finances from the investment will be fully used for PR activities heading to better recognition of ORM Designer within ORM frameworks communities. This includes such activities as brand building, creation of detailed project documentation, better presentation of core features and application benefits and other.
But Michael Rostock-Poplar hasn’t brought only the money to ORM Designer. He will also help us with important business decisions and coach us in fields in which he is more experienced than us.
In future we will keep inform you what the investment will bring us.