Template revival
Entity defined by template
Hello Everybody,
One of the most interesting features of ORM Designer is its customizability. Now we took it to the next level. We have vastly enhanced the template functionality. It’s so awesome now, that I don’t even know where to start.
We have already had templates for some basic functions in place, but we thought, well lets make templates for everything. And we did it! After two weeks of hard labour, strenuouss tests, documentation and despair we can proudly present the NEW TEMPLATES.
Do you want to be sure all your entities have their primary keys? You can. Do you want the aliases used in your associations being generated automatically? They will be. Do you want to create your entities with the repeating fields already defined. No problem, you can have your IDs, names, createdAt and updatedAt with just single click. Do you want to completely define your whole project using templates and just have it built the exact moment you press the Create new project? I can’t see why would you want to do that, but you totally can.
Everything can be manged by a template now, primary keys, aliases, association and inheritance fields, Many-to-many entities, even names and values of ORM properties like the export paths. Templates can be now set separately for Doctrine, Doctrine 2, Propel and PHP Cake and you can even have templates applied on import or changes in your model.
Do not worry, all the old templates will still work, but now you can use the predefined template library, or you can learn how the templates work, and make the exact templates you need.