Not every mutation is bad :-)
If you expect an article about genetics or superpowers you will be probably little disappointed. But we think the new ORM Designer feature is quite cool too, so let’s take a closer look at it. In the last week we prepared ORM Designer for language mutations.
From now, English is not the only one
Till now, the application has spoken only English. For most users it is fine with no doubts, it is the most widespread language all around the world. But still, native language is native language and to have commands in application translated is much more comfortable.
To find out if everything works fine, we tested the translation mechanism on our native language. As you can see in the picture above, in the new ORM Designer release Czech is also available :-)
You might have guessed it, but two language versions isn’t our goal. Right now the application is being translated into Spanish, but there are many more languages ORM Designer wants to speak!
Join us!
If you want to join us in our effort to make ORM Designer really multi-language tool, we will be more than happy. Head to the article about Localization and follow described steps.
When you finish the work, share the translation files at our support forum with the rest of the community and enjoy the eternal glory as our greatest heroes :-)
And the last thing, this is how we want ORM Designer localizations to look like :-)